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Just a simple dude connecting with awesome people and things

IPG X FIT Buddies😍

The first day being an intern at IPG/Area23 was so new. The office was cool and I really enjoyed the bar. But the highlight of my day was seeing familiar faces.
Dane Tewari
12 June 2023

Ktown Pickup's

The food in the area is to die for. I'm so close to K-town its literally down the block. When it comes to Korean food I just can't help myself. Guess i'm putting on some pounds this summer lol.
Dane Tewari
09 July 2023


I never would have imagine that I would get to see the Tic-Tock office IRL. I didn't know what to expect for the visit but it definitely blew my mind. It was such a cozy place to work. Maybe in the near future I'll be working there
Dane Tewari
11 Jul 2023
Secret Meetings

Secret team meeting

My pitch team for IPG always find these incredible rooms to conduct meeting in. We found rooms that Employees that have been working for IPG for years never even knew existed.
Dane Tewari
13 Jul 2023

Moreeeee Fooood

I just couldn't help myself lol
Dane Tewari
20 July 2023



I am looking for a place where I can evolve, learn, take part in a team, and contribute with my skills and abilities.